Monday 2 March 2009

Risk assessment for the film set.

Our group has decided to film using the Barn and the car park at college. The risks of filming here can be divided into two categories, people hazards and physical hazards.

People Hazards of filming the Barn:

With the equipment available in barn for P.E use the actors or camera crew may use the basket ball hoops when a film set is being set up, this is a hazard as somebody can be hit by the equipment used in the games they play. This is not of a high risk but still carries some concern for the actors safety, this hazard can be avoided by making sure each and every member of the acting or filming crew is alert and focused on filming at all times.

General care needs to be taking while moving around the film set, if people are messing about slipping on the floor or hitting camera equipment can cause harm. This is not a high risk but still needs to be avoided, avoided by everybody being mature.
Communication is another hazard, if an actor is not sure what they are suppose to be doing something could go wrong, for example an actor moving the wrong way and hitting somebody or something. Clear scripts and instructions can be used to make sure this does not happen.

Physical Hazards of filming in the Barn:

The camera equipment is a physical hazard, the equipment must be set up and regularly checked to make sure it is working correctly. If a light blows it could harm somebody eyes or if it smashes glass could go into somebody. This is a medium risk as it can cause some serious harm, if equipment is set up carefully and checked regularly this can be avoided.

The floor in the barn is astro turf and very rough, this is a physical hazard. If a person fell onto this surface it could do some harm, it is not a high risk hazard but still a hazard none of the less. Actors and camera crew must take care while on the astro turf and if any jumps are in the film, mats should be used at all times.
The barn can be quite cold so actors and camera crew should wear coats at all times, (actors only when not acting obviously).

People Hazards in the car park:

The hazards in the car park are similar to the Barn where as in the car park there are vehicles that people can bang into too. Care needs to be taking to avoid this.

Physical Hazards in the car park:

Very much the same as the barn, but one physical hazard in the car park is moving vehicles. As it is a public car park there will vehicles moving around so care needs to be taken while filming in the car park.

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